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Namita Bhatia

Reduce and Eradicate Anxiety and Worry from your life

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life – for example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview.

Anxiety is thought to be the mind's way of protecting us by making us aware of dangerous situations and conditions. It is like overprotective parent. However, it can become a problem when it starts to affect our quality of life.

It is estimated that 264 million adults around the globe have anxiety. (World Health Organization, 2017) Of these adults, 179 million were female (63%) and 105 million were male (37%). (Our World in Data, 2018)

If your anxiety is all consuming and it is affecting you and, in particular if you have physical symptoms such as chest pains, breathlessness or palpitations, you should see your GP asking self-help steps or seeing a complementary health therapist. It is important to rule out any medical conditions.

We get anxious when we internalise our feelings. We worry about things that may not even be true. Our thoughts become overpowering and sometimes they result in physical symptoms. You may then find that anxiety is very easily triggered, or find you have a level of anxiety constantly

Anxiety will feel different to everyone, however, there are certain symptoms here you may relate to if you have anxiety:

· overthinking

· ruminating

· headaches

· chest pain

· dizziness

· difficulties sleeping

· faster breathing

· nausea

· fast or irregular heartbeat

· teeth grinding

· restlessness

When you first begin to challenge your anxiety, don’t expect that things will change overnight. It will be a slow process.

Below are some tips that can help you to start getting things under control.

1. Eat a healthy diet. If your body is getting the nutrients and rest it needs, you'll deal with things better.

2. Get enough sleep.

3. Exercise helps to reduce anxiety because it helps to produce 'feel good' hormones that lifts your mood.

4. Relaxation and breathing techniques help control anxiety.

Worrying about the future makes you envisage things that may not even happen or take place. Start to challenge your worries - how realistic are they? What might go right?

Suffering from stress and anxiety is exhausting both mentally and physically. Stress takes a huge toll on the body and mind. The combination of CBT and Hypnotherapy has the best evidence base for treating anxiety of any other therapy.

To find out more about how I can help visit

Namita Bhatia

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist

07305 595 603


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