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Hypno-Oncology ( Working with Cancer Patients )


The diagnosis and treatment of cancer are often stressful, and can affect how you think and feel.  It can make you anxious and frightened and bring all sort of thoughts in your mind and in the minds of your loved ones. 

After the initial shock, other psychological responses kick in like confusion, disbelief, denial, anger, depression and fear. 


Cancer not only affects your physical health, it affects your mental wellbeing as well. It can bring up an array of feelings that you may not be used to dealing with. It may also make existing feelings seem more extreme. This is true whether you are currently receiving treatment, finished with the treatment, or looking after a friend or family member going through cancer. These feelings are all perfectly normal.


A range of feelings crop up when you are first diagnosed with Cancer and whilst receiving treatment for cancer. 


  • You feel Overwhelmed

  • Denial

  • Anger, Fear and Worry

  • Stress and Anxiety

  • Sadness and Depression

  • Feeling Lonely







Hypnosis can help not only with managing your emotions better but it can help with making  chemotherapy more bearable and also promote recovery.


Evidence has shown that Hypnotherapy has proved to be extremely valuable whilst you are receiving treatment for cancer. 


It has shown to help people feel calmer, more in control of their treatment and can help speed up the recovery process. Pain management is another area in which hypnotherapy can be extremely useful. Rather than trying to convince you that your pain doesn’t exist, hypnotherapy aims to alleviate the fear and anxiety associate with the pain, helping the nervous system become less reactive to it. 


Hypnosis role in cancer treatment is that it is used to reduce stress and anxiety as well as minimise the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting.


Hypnotherapy can relieve pain associated with cancer. Hypnotherapy helps provide a safe and successful addition to the management of cancer pain. A study of advanced-stage cancer patients with malignant bone disease was conducted by randomising patients to receive either hypnotherapy or supportive attention (e.g. encouragement, active listening). Results showed the hypnosis intervention group had a significant overall decrease in pain.


Hypnotherapy is effective for the relief of nausea and vomiting secondary to chemotherapy. In a randomised study of the efficacy of hypnosis in reducing nausea and vomiting in children receiving chemotherapy, researchers found children participating in hypnosis had less anticipatory nausea and vomiting and less overall vomiting compared with controls who did not undergo hypnosis. This finding was replicated in a later study also demonstrating that patients using clinical hypnosis showed a reduced need for antiemetic medication. These studies have also confirmed, and it is believed that hypnotherapy is more effective than standard CBT type therapies in this area.


Evidence suggests that fatigue can affect 60% to 90% of patients receiving chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Despite the prevalence of cancer-related fatigue, there are very few effective treatment options. This condition is managed through education of patients and caregivers about current evidence-based strategies to reduce fatigue, non pharmacological interventions including exercise, and pharmacological therapies. 


Initial studies show promising results for breast cancer patients who received a combination of CBT and hypnotherapy to aid them in managing their fatigue symptoms.


Studies have provided evidence that much of this distress is preventable and manageable by getting the right support. There is ample evidence that relaxation therapy, guided imagery and hypnotherapy can be very beneficial in helping patients cope with the diagnosis and treatment.


Hypnotherapy helps with Managing Menopause Symptoms.  Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) also known as menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and hormone therapy (HT). It is the use of hormone therapy (tablets, patches or cream) to replace the oestrogen that your ovaries no longer make during and after menopause. It can help relieve some of the symptoms of menopause. is the most widely used treatment for menopausal symptoms. As its name suggests, it is simply a way of replacing the hormone oestrogen that is lost during the menopause.​


However, patients with cancer cannot be prescribed HRT due to its risks. 


Hypnotherapy can work alongside medical interventions to help improve your individual symptoms. Hypnotherapy has been shown to be one of the most powerful and effective alternative therapies available to help manage the symptoms of the menopause. Research in the U.S and recent trials in the U.K have shown that hypnotherapy can help up to 80% of women manage and control these symptoms. You can read more about the trails here.


As with many types of complementary therapy, some people with cancer use hypnotherapy to help them relax and cope with symptoms and treatment. 


Hypnotherapy might help some people feel more comfortable and in control of their situation.


People with cancer most often use hypnotherapy as an effective supplement therapy in the 


  1. Management of anxiety, anger, and frustration

  2. Management of pain and fatigue

  3. Managing insomnia; 

  4. Manage side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy;


Furthermore, Hypnotherapy helps with relaxation and will help improve the quality of life whilst undergoing the intensive treatment required In cancer patients. 


All therapies are designed to be used in conjunction with conventional treatments and are not a substitute for treatments provided by medical practitioners. The therapies I practice are used to relieve the symptoms of cancer or the side-effects of conventional treatments. Please note that Hypnotherapy CANNOT TREAT CANCER. 


I am able to work with you through your diagnosis, during & after treatment.


I personally was diagnosed with Sarcoma, a rare type of bone and soft tissue cancer and have used hypnotherapy successfully to deal with managing and coping with the medical treatment I received. 


In addition to in-clinic consultations, I offer remote consultations which is particularly helpful for those who are feeling unwell, immobile or live far from London. 

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North West London and Hertfordshire areas covered: 









Croxley Green 


 Hatch End







Face to Face Session in Harrow,

NW London and

Online Sessions available via Zoom 

Anxiety | Behaviour | Brain| Breathing|Children Coaching | Confidence |Control |Anger |Emotions | Fears |Hypno-Oncology |Hypnosis| Hypnotherapy| Life |Balance |Mindfulness | Parents| Positive Thinking| Relaxation| Resilience |School |Self-Confidence |Self-Hypnosis | Self-Worth |Menopause |Stress | Teenagers | Tips Transformation | Cancer |Drawing and Talking |Insomnia | Weight Loss Negative Emotions | IBS| Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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Call Namita Bhatia:07305 595 603


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Aligned Mindset Therapy Limited

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