Menopause is a life change that can cause unpredictable emotions to arise. It can contribute to mood swings, stress, anxiety, brain fog, memory loss which are as result of factors like Hormone changes, worries about body image, infertility, and aging. For some people, no longer being able to have children can trigger feelings of anxiety and loss, especially if they experienced fertility challenges or pregnancy loss in the past.
Perimenopause is the phase, that can start in the early thirties before the final menstrual period during which the body undergoes many physical changes. These changes in the body can lead to anxiety.
Menopause comes about after periods have ended for 12 months.
Studies say that approximately 23% of women experience symptoms of anxiety during the perimenopause and Menopause phase.
It is normal to feel anxious or depressed when perimenopause begins.
The hormone imbalances that arise during menopause can contribute to the development of anxiety or worsen existing anxiety and depression.
Menopausal anxiety symptoms include:
Panic Attacks
Shortness of breath
Heart palpitations
Chronic sweating
Muscle tension
Some women may feel sad or troubled during menopause, because of the changes to the body that occur, such as the loss of fertility. Other women may feel relieved to no longer fear pregnancy.
Some factors that can lead to anxiety in women during the Menopausal years may be significant life changes their children may leave home and/or their parents aging. These factors can all contribute to heightened feelings of anxiety.
The changes in levels of hormones called Estrogen and progesterone, in particular, can have an impact during menopause increasing the feelings of anxiety.
These symptoms may go away when women enter the postmenopausal period when hormones become more balanced.
Some things that can help with the Anxiety
Caffeine and alcohol can worsen symptoms while complex carbohydrates act as a mild tranquilizer and steady your emotions.
Exercise can help your body relax and help with stress.
Build in things that help you relax you such as listening to music or going for a walk can have a great impact on any anxiety you might experience.
Getting good and enough sleep is important.
Maintaining a positive attitude and keeping the negative thoughts at bay will help you to feel less anxious
It is not uncommon for women undergoing menopause to receive hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other treatments for menopause symptoms. Some women are not good candidates for HRT and should make these decisions with their doctor.
Hypnotherapy offers a structured approach to relieve Menopause symptoms It is completely safe and natural treatment and is a viable alternative to drug based remedies.
It is evidenced by clinical trials conducted where it was concluded that hypnotherapy sessions resulted in significant reductions in self-reported and physiologically measured hot flashes as well as hot flash scores (The results are from a project described was supported by Award Number U01 AT004634-05 from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
Namita Bhatia
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist
07305 595603